Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Books Of The Bible Notebooking Sheets

Waging war on the lack of knowledge is a lot easier when you have a manual to refer to... Clara and I have created a set of notebooking sheets that will give you a place to put your foot down when it comes to study time!
Just download and print, then insert them into your Teacher's Manual. Your kids will be delighted when you step into the role of a Master Drill Sergeant... 
Join us at Bible Boot Camp, and help continue the battle to put an end to the destruction that accompanies the ignorance of God's Word. It's time for you and your family to prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers! 
Thanks for dropping by. Now, it's time for me to get back to my drawing board... I have a lot more study tools to get ready for you! I'll see you again soon.
~ Connie ~ 

Clara's Notebooking Sheets (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved